About Shane Whittle.
Shane Whittle is the owner of WhittleStrength. He is an Open-Heart Surgery survivor and understands firsthand how to overcome obstacles life throws at you. As a competitive bodybuilder, strongman athlete, and student of everything strength and fitness related, Shane offers a unique approach to training, nutrition and supplementation.
Having over 10 years of fitness experience, Shane’s passion for health and fitness drives him to always be ahead of the curve on the latest methods and training philosophies. He has traveled around the world, seeking out the best in the industry to learn from and formulate his unique vision of strength training. He believes that with the proper execution, intent and effort, anyone of any fitness level can reach their goals!
Shane’s experience includes, but is not limited to:
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
ISSA Certified Youth Fitness Trainer
ISSA Certified Elite Personal Trainer
N1 Education Biomechanics & Execution Practical
Muscle Nerds Program Design
NESTA Certified Strength Coach
Metabolic Effect University
Kilo Strength Society Level 1 Coach
Kilo Strength Society Periodization Course
Kilo Strength Society Optimizing Strength Ratios Course
Kilo Strength Society Program Design Course
Online Trainer Academy - Certified Online Trainer
MI40 Hypertrophy Execution Mastery Course
ISSA Certified Nutrition Specialist
Precision Nutrition Level 1
Shane has been a personal trainer since he graduated from McDaniel College in Westminster, Maryland. Shane holds an Elite Personal Trainer certification through the International Sports Science Association and is a spokesperson for the organization.